The world's most nutritious foods

    The older I get, the more important (and the more immediately apparent) the health benefits from eating and exercising well.

    This article reports on scientists studying 1,000 different foods for their health benefits:

    Scientists studied more than 1,000 foods, assigning each a nutritional score. The higher the score, the more likely each food would meet, but not exceed your daily nutritional needs, when eaten in combination with others.
    The top ones?
    1. Almonds
    2. Cherimoya
    3. Ocean perch
    4. Flatfish
    5. Chia seeds
    6. Pumpkin seeds
    7. Swiss chard
    8. Pork fat
    9. Beet greens
    10. Snapper
    Ever since reading of the value of almonds to non-meat eaters in The 4-Hour Body, I've taken a big bag of them on every trip. I also have some in a jar on my desk at home. As for the others on the list, some (pork fat!) are out of the question, and some (cherimoya) I've never come across.

    Time for some more experimentation…

    Source: BBC Future