Surplus value must be distributed by and among the workers

I’ve come across lots of different licenses in my time. Some, such as Creative Commons licenses, for example, are meant to stand up in court. Others are more of a form of artistic expression, a way of signalling to an in-group, and a ‘hands-off’ warning for those therefore considered ‘out-group’.
My Spanish is still terrible, so I used DeepL to make the translation of this ‘Non-Capitalist’ clause on the En Defensa del Software Libre website, which is used in addition to the standard Attribution and Share-Alike clauses.
Non-Capitalist - Commercial exploitation of this work is only permitted to cooperatives, non-profit organisations and collectives, self-managed workers' organisations, and where no exploitative relationships exist. Any surplus or surplus value obtained from the exercise of the rights granted by this Licence on the Work must be distributed by and among the workers.
Original Spanish:
No Capitalista - La explotación comercial de esta obra sólo está permitida a cooperativas, organizaciones y colectivos sin fines de lucro, a organizaciones de trabajadores autogestionados, y donde no existan relaciones de explotación. Todo excedente o plusvalía obtenidos por el ejercicio de los derechos concedidos por esta Licencia sobre la Obra deben ser distribuidos por y entre los trabajadores.
Source: En Defensa del Software Libre