A Jazz-soaked Philosophy for our Catastrophic Times: From Socrates to Coltrane’

These Gifford Lectures at the University of Edinbugh look pretty awesome. I don’t think Cornel West uses any slides, either, so perfect to rip to MP3 and listen to while I’m out for a run! Although I guess I’ll miss some of his very expressive gestures :)
- Lecture One: Philosophic Prelude
- Lecture Two: Metaphilosophic Andante
- Lecture Three: Folly Presto
- Lecture Four: History Adagio
- Lecture Five: American Allegro Molto Vivace
- Lecture Six: A Love Supreme (A Way Through)
Prof. Cornel West delivers the 2024 Gifford Lecture Series at the University of Edinburgh, titled ‘A Jazz-soaked Philosophy for our Catastrophic Times: From Socrates to Coltrane’.
Source: Bella Caledonia