Routine and ambition (quote)

    “Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition.”

    (W.H. Auden)

    Wishing and planning (quote)

    “It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

    (Eleanor Roosevelt)

    Venture beyond the expected (quote)

    “The easiest route to take is to glide in the direction of wherever fate pushes. But living at the mercy of circumstance makes you a passive participant in your own story. Without a fight against fate (aka the status quo), you’ll never venture beyond the expected.”

    (Scott Belsky)

    Graceful conduct (quote)

    “Graceful conduct is the chief ornament of life; it gets you out of any tight situation.”

    (Baltasar Gracián)

    Blogging and content marketing (quote)

    Content marketing and blogging may be diametrically opposed to each other, but one isn’t bad and the other good. There’s just what’s right for how you want to operate and what you need your content to do for you or your audience. It’s just something to consider – does the intent of how you want to exist as a content creator online actually line up with how you’re operating? If it doesn’t, perhaps it’s time to change.

    (Paul Jarvis)

    Working (quote)

    “Those who work much, do not work hard.”

    (Henry David Thoreau)

    Invisible turmoil (quote)

    “It appear[s] like a calm existence [but] the turmoil is invisible.”

    (Maira Kalman)

    Expertise and knowledge (quote)

    “With your expertise and knowledge, but you’ll never be an artist

    And I’m harder on myself than you could ever be regardless

    What I’ll never be is flawless, all I’ll ever be is honest

    Even when I’m gone they’re gonna say I brought it”


    Choice (quote)

    “People who have no choice are generally unhappy. But people with too many choices are almost as unhappy as those who have no choice at all.”

    (Ellen Ullman)

    No opinion (quote)

    “It is in our power to have no opinion about a thing, and not to be disturbed in our soul; for things themselves have no natural power to form our judgements."

    (Marcus Aurelius)

    Criticism (quote)

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."


    Encumbered by civilization (quote)

    “To ramble across the countryside is to disembarrass oneself of the social and mental constraints with which one is encumbered by civilization."

    (Matthew Beaumont, Nightwalking, p.231)

    Good, hard work (quote)

    “Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, and it turns out that almost nothing makes us happier than good, hard work.” (Jane McGonigal)

    Sensible people

    “We find very few sensible people except those who agree with our own opinion.” (François de La Rochefoucauld)

    Profit vs benefit

    “The difference between profit and benefit is that operations producing profit can be carried out by another in my place: he would make the profit, unless he was acting on my behalf. But the fact remains that profitable activity can always be carried out by someone else. Hence the principle of competition. On the other hand, what is beneficial to me depends on gestures, acts, living moments which it would be impossible for me to delegate.”

    (Frédéric Gros, A Philosophy of Walking)