Despite no longer having a commute, I still find time to listen to podcasts. They’re useful for a variety of reasons: I can be doing something else while listening to them such as walking, going to the gym, or boring admin, and they don’t require me to look at a screen (which I do most of the day).

So it’s very useful for Bryan Alexander to share the podcasts he’s listening to at present. Here’s a couple that were new to me:

Beyond the Book – a look into the book publishing industry. It’s clearly biased in favor of strong copyright policies and practices, a bias I don’t share, but the program is also very informative.

Very Bad Wizards – two thinkers and, sometimes, a guest brood about deep questions concerning human psychology, philosophy, and ethics. It’s not my usual fare, so I enjoy learning.

Podcasts are basically RSS feeds with an audio enclosures as such, they can be exported as OPML files. Most podcast clients, including AntennaPod (which I use) allow you to do this.

Here’s my OPML file, as of today. I don’t listen to all of these podcasts regularly, just dipping in and out of them. My top five favourites are:

There's also, obviously, Today In Digital Education (TIDE) which I record with Dai Barnes. Well be releasing our first episode of 2018 later this week!

Source: Bryan Alexander